INET '91




Following is the current INET'91 Program (as per 13.3.1991).

Additional volunteers to participate in sessions are welcome (contact

session coordinator or Juha Heinanen <>.


Track 1: Application Areas

Track 2: Technology and Services

Track 3: Policy Issues

Track 4: Regional Issues




Coordinator: Craig Partridge

- Van Jacobson (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA)

"Issues in Gigabit IP Networking"

- Daniel Karrenberg (CWI, Netherlands) and Niall O'Reilly

(EARN, Netherlands)

"Starting a Research Network: Choosing a Strategy"



8:30-10:30 Plenary Session

- Welcome: Frode Greisen (UNI-C)

- Keynote Talk: "Europe '92"

Horst Huenke (Head of Coordination Operations Division,

DG XIII-A2, Commission of the European Communities)

- Plenary Talk: "Future Networking and Infrastructure"

Robert E. Kahn, (Corporation for National Research Initiatives, USA)

10:30-11:00 Coffee

11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 1

Track 1: Physical Sciences

Coordinator: Brian Carpenter <>

- David Williams (CERN, Switzerland-France)

"Worldwide aspects of networking for particle physics"

- Jean-Pierre Peltier (ONERA, France)

"Worldwide aspects of networking for

aerodynamics/fluid computation"

- Lynn F Ten Eyck (SDSC, USA)

"Worldwide aspects of networking for chemical computation"

Track 2: Internet Issues

Coordinator: Torben Nielsen <tor...@foralie.ics.Hawaii.Edu>

Track 3: The Role of Commercial Service Providers

Coordinator: Hank Nussbacher <>

Presentations by network providers:

- Martin Schoffstall (PSI, USA)

- Rick Adams (Alternet, USA)

- George Abe (Infolan, Europe)

- Dai Davies (IXI, Europe)

Track 4: Europe

Coordinator: Dennis Jennings <jenni...@irlearn.bitnet>

- Howard Davies (Univ. of Exeter, Great Brittain)

"The COSINE Perspective on European Networking"

- Rob Blokzijl (NIKHEF, The Netherlands)

"The RIPE Perspective on European Networking"

- Frode Greisen (EARN, Denmark)

"The Regionalisation of EARN"

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 2

Track 1: Space Science

Coordinator: Tony Villasenor <>

Track 3: The Role of Commercial Service Providers

Presentation by network provider:

- Al Weis (ANS, USA)


- Rob Blozkzijl, John Devoil, Martin Schoffstall,

Al Weis, Stephen Wolff

Track 4: Eastern Europe

Coordinator: Peter Bakonyi <>

Soviet Union - Valerij Udalov

Hungary - Laszlo Csaba

Poland - Daniel Bem

CSFR - Jan Gruntorad

Bulgaria - Kiril Boyanov

15:30-16:00 Coffee

16:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions 3

Track 1: Education

Coordinator: Hideo Aiso <>

Track 2: Collaboration Technologies

Coordinator: Glenn Ricart <>

Track 4: Asia & Pacific Rim

Coordinator: Bob Kummerfeld <>



9:00-10:30 Announcements, Keynote and Plenary Talks (15 min + 2 x 45 min)

- Keynote talk: "High Performance Computing and Communications"

Gene Wong, Associate Director

Office of Science and Technology, The White House, USA

- Plenary Talk: Paul van Binst (University of Brussels)

"Future of Networking in Europe"

10:30-11:00 Coffee

11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 4

Track 1: Library

Coordinator: Paul Peters <>

Track 2: Technologies of the 90s

Coordinator: Christian Huitema


Track 4: North America

- Ira Fuchs, Session Chairman (Princeton Univ., USA)

- Guy Almes (Rice Univ., USA)

- Steve Wolff (NSF, USA)

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Parallel Sessions 5

Track 2: Mail and Directory Services

Coordinator: Alf Hansen <>

- Shoichiro Asano (U of Tokyo, Japan)

"Japanese Inter-university Mail Service"

- Robert Hagens (UW-Madison, USA)

"Common User-Interfaces for multi protocol

mail-services, case: the ECI project"

- Erik Huizer (SURFnet, The Netherlands)

"European OSI Directory Services, Paradise or

Fata Margana?"

Track 3: Open Scholarly Communication vs. Telecommunications Policy

Coordinator: David Kunkel <>

Track 4: Latin America

Coordinator: Florencio I Utreras <FUTRE...@UCHCECVM.BITNET>

- Roberto Loran (Puerto Rico)

"The Puerto Rican Universities Network"

- Edgar Zorrila (Venezuela)

"Internetworking over X.25: The Network in Venezuela"

- Guy de Teramond (Costa Rica)

"A Satellite Internet for Latin America"

- Victor Cid (Chile)

"The Chilean Academic and Research Network"

- Florencio Utreras (Chile)

"SIRIAC: A Latin American Networking Initiative"

15:00-15:30 Coffee

15:30-17:00 Parallel Sessions 6

Track 1: Workstation Teleconferencing

Coordinator: Peter Kirstein <>

Track 2: Networks and Network Services of Year 2000

Coordinator: Richard Mandelbaum <>

- Tony Rutkowski (CERN, CH)

"** Title not known yet"

- ** looking for two more

Track 3: CCIRN and Global Networking

Coordinator: Kees Neggers <>

Track 4: Special Issues for the Third World

Coordinator: Werner Zorn <>

19:00- Conference Dinner including a Dinner Talk

- Dinner talk: Charles Brownstein (Federal Networking Council, USA)

"Impact of Networking on Science"



9:00-10:30 Plenary talk and Rapporteur session

- Plenary Talk: Jun Murai (Keio Univ, Japan)

"Evolution, Technology, and Future of Japanese Research Networks"

- Rapporteur coordinator: Mike Roberts <>

10:30-11:00 Coffee

11:00-12:30 Rapporteur Session continues, a Panel, and Closing

- Rapporteur coordinator: Mike Roberts <>

- Panel on "Pressing needs and things to do"

- Steven Goldstein (NSF, USA), panel chairman

- Panel members:

- Mats Brunell (NORDUNET, Sweden)

- Erik Huitzer (SURFnet, The Netherlands)

- Tadoa Takahashi (PRP, Brazil)

- Florencio Utreras (U de Chile, Chile)

- Erik Naggum (Naggum Software, Norway)

- Closing: Larry Landweber (UW-Madison, USA)

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Updated: 2012.6.26

Contact Sec at for further information.