JWCC '92

Table of Contents

Keynote Address

"Topic: Secure Information Communications" ...................................................................................... 1

Prof. D. K. Kim (Ajou University)

Session A: Protocol (I)

A Study on the Improvements of Unfairness in the Voice/Data Integrated DQDB with

Multiple Priority .......................... . .................... . .............................................. . .... ......................... 3

D. H. Cho and Y. S. Choi (Kyung Hee University)

A Study on the Dynamic Rate-Based Flow Control Scheme on XTP ....................... ......................... 11

Y. J. Sim, S. J. Ahn, H. J. Kang and J. W. Chung (Sung Kyun Kwan University

and KIST)

Space-Time Simulation of the Ethernet Protocol ................................................... ............................. 19

B. G. Kim and J. Y. Song (University of Lowell and Korea Telecom)

A New Token Protocol for Integrated Service LAN ...................... . ...................... . .. ......... ............. 29

T. Yoneda, K. Tanaka and Y. Matsushita (Keio University)

Hidden Terminal Problem in Radio LAN and New Media·Access-Control Protocol:

CT MA ...... . .... . .......................... . ...................................................................................... ............. 37

Y. Ohnishi, H. Shigeno, K. Arai, C. H. Chen, T. Yokoyama and Y. Matsushita (Keio University)

Session B: Multimedia (I)

A Virtual Time CSMA Protocol for Real-Time Communication on Dual-Bus .... ......... ......... ......... .45

M. S. Chung and H. S. Shin (Seoul National University)

Support of Dynamic Spatial Composition for Multimedia Presentation

-An ODA extension - .............. . ............ . ....................... . ....... ........... . .... .. .. ........................... 53

S. D. Lee, Y. H. Choi and S. H. Lee (Seoul National University)

A Multi-layered Architecture Suitable for Concurrent Collaborative Work

Environments ……………………………….. ............. . ............ . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... 61

K. Tsukada, S. Ichimura, K. Okada and Y. Matsushita (Keio University)

A Multimedia Synchronization Model Using Logic Operators .......... ........................ ......... ......... ... 69

T. Sato, J. H. Lim, K. Okada and Y. Matsushita (Keio University)

Hypermedia Document Processing System ............ . .............................. . .......... . ..... . .. ........... ..... 77

B. J. Ahn, B. H. Lee, H. J. Kim and K. S. Chung (ETRI)

Session C: Protocol (H)

Performance Analysis of Markovian Polling Systems with Single Buffers ...... . ............ ......... ........ 85

H. Chung, C. K. Un, B. C. Shin and W. Y. Jung (KAIST)

Interconnecting Protocol for LLC Type 4 Services ......................................... . ........ ...................... 101

H. K. Kahng, S. H. Jeong, J. B. Suk and C. H. Yim (ETRI)

An Efficient Multicast Source Routing Scheme ................................................................ ............... 109

W. T. Chen, P, R. Sheu and Y. R. Chang (National Tsing Hua University)

A Study on Demand Assignment Multiple Access Algorithm ......................................... ................. 121

J. H. Han, J. S. Song, Y. H. Seo, G. S. Tae, S. B. Han and J. W. Lee (Samsung,

Yonsei University, KT, ETRI)

An Integrated Model for the analysis of the High-Speed Network ........................... ........... ........... 131

S. C. Kim, H. K. Kim, H. D. Park, C. H. Kim and J. Y. Lee (POSTECH, ETRI)

The Efficient Ordered Multicast Protocol with Window Flow Control……………........... ........... ...141

P. W. Park, K. H. Lee and K. H. Cho (Daegu Teacher’s College, Myungji

University, Kwangwoon University)

Session D: Multimedia (Ⅱ)

Design of a Group Computing Platform in Widely Distributed Environments…........... ........... .......155

O. Anan, K. Utsumiya, K. Korida and K. Yoshida (Oita University)

Real-time Communication Facilities for a Group Programming Environment…........... ........... .......163

K. Korida, K. Utsumiya, H.Sato, T. Kikuchi and K. Yoshida (Oita University)

Group Work System in Research Environment(GROW) ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...…171

M. Hasegwa and M. Takizawa (Tokyo Denki University)

Embedding Tools for Prototyping Distributed Knowledge-based Systems into

Distributed Smalltalk-80 Environments........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......…179

M. Fukushima, K. Sugawara and K. Kido (Chiba Institute of Technology)

Distributed Transaction Processing in ADFS........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ..........…187

G. S. Na and S. S. An (Korea University)

Standard Time for the Real-time Communications on TCP/IP Protocols

-A Status Report-….................................................................................................................................. 195

J. B. Lee and Y. J. Park (Hanyang University)

Session E: Distributed System

Formal Specification of OSI Virtual Terminal Protocol in LOTOS........... ........... ........... ........... …203

S. Y. Han, S. M.. Park, S. H. Hoh, A. K. Agrawala (Konkuk University, University of Maryland)

An Integrated Access Control in Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems…........... ..... ..........211

S. H. Kang and S. C. (KAIST)

Server Processing Rate Optimization in a Military Message Handling System........... ........... ......…219

J. S. Lim, M. H. Lee and J. M. Rhee (ADD)

Integration of Hierarchical and Attribute-based Naming Schemes in a Distributed File System……227

H. Inamura and S. Moriai (NTT)

Roles of Communication media in Distributed Software Development Environment.......... ........…237

Y. Masuda, H. Takagi, K. Araki and Z. Furukawa (Fujitsu Kyusyu Communication Systems, Kyusyu University)

Issues for Very-High-Speed-Networking…....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .................245

Y. H. Choi (Seoul National University)

Session F: Network Application

International Mail Transfer and Geometric Region....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .…255

M. Ohta (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

A Study on the Interoperability of Information Technology and Telecommunications....... ....... ..….261

Y. J. Kim, T. W. Kang, W. Jang, S. B. Jeon, and C. H. Yim (ETRI)

Implementation Activities and Strategies for National Basic Information Systems in Korea.........…269

U. H. Choi, and K. H. Song (National Computerization Agency)

A Study on Korean Language(Hangul) Handling in Open Networking Environment…....... ....... ....279

S. C. Park and Y. H. Choi (Seoul National University)

A Research on Enhanced Service Vision and Consumer Expectation…....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .....289

J. S. Song, J. W. Lee, Y. H. Seo, G. S. Tae and S. B. Han (Yonsei University, ETRI, KT)

SEEDNET - An Internet for Software Engineers in Taiwan .......... . ........ . ........... ....... .................. 295

C. K. Fan and W. C. Chang (Institute for Information Industry, Taipei)

Session G: Implementation

The Implementation of Transport Protocol using STREAMS mechanism based on

UNIX system V .... . ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ .......................... 303

J. Y. Son, Y. J. Won, K. B. Kim and S. H. Kung (ETRI)

Stepping Closer to OSI Community with EX400 ................................................... ....... .................. 311

C. S. Han, W. Y. Han, K. C. Han, K. H. Han, H. S. Seong, S. M. Park and

S. H. Kung (ETRI)

The Implementation and Service of DACOM-Mail …........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......319

B. S. Choi, I. S. Kim, M. J.o Hwang and C. Y. Kim (DACOM)

The N1mail Program Implementation for VOS3 Operating System ..... ....... ..... . ........................... 325

T. Hayashi (Ritsumenikan University)

A Course Timetable Preparation by Cooperative Work on

a Campus Computer Network .................... . ................................. ....... ....... ....... ....... .......... . .... . 333

H. Kawai, T. Hanzawa, H. Yoshida and F. Takayama (Iwaki Meisei University)

Implementation of EDI Message Based on X.435 .............. . .................................. ....... ....... ....... ..341

K. T. Kim, Y. J. Kim, C. W. Lee, S. C. Kang and Y. J. Park (Hanyang University)

Session H: Network Management

The Design and Implementation of Systems Management Application Service Element

, (SMASE) for OSI Network Management .................. . .................. .. .......... . ................................ 349

J. K. Ryu, H. J. Kang, J. W. Chung, S. J. Ahn and O. H. Byeon (Sung Kyun Kwan

University, KIST)

The Design and Implementation of MIT for Management Information Base ........... ....... ............... 357

J. H. Ahn, H. J. Kang, J. W. Chung, S. J. Ahn and O. H. Byeon (Sung Kyun Kwan

University, KIST)

Fault Diagnosis for Integrated Network Management Systems ............................ ....... ................... 365

H. W. D. Chang, B. S. P. Lin and J. L. Chen (Industrial Technology Research


The Effect of Communication Processing in Network Supercomputing Environment ... ....... ......... 373

B. O. Apduhan, T. Sueyoshi, T. Tezuka and I. Arita (Kyusyu Institute of Technology)

COTE - Concerted Open Testing Environment .......................................... ....... ....... ...................... 381

K. S. Kim, T. W. Kang and C. H. Yim (ETRI)

Management Strategy in Delegation Model .................................................................................... . 391

S. H. Han, K. H. Lee and K. H. Cho (Yosu National Fisheries University, Myongji

University, Kwangwoon University)

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Program for the 7th JWCC (JWCC-7)

7th JWCC Committee Members

List of Authors

Updated: 2012.9.19

Contact Sec at InternetHistory.asia for further information.