What's New?
2017 Hardcopies of First Decade(1980s) and Second Decade (1990s) are available from Amazon, and softcopies from Google Books.
2017-05-10 ICANN History Project
2017-09 Internet Society APAC Connections - September 2017 (Guest Aricle: Internet History - Asian Perspective by Kilnam Chon)
2017-10-15 Call for Papers: ARPANET (1969-1990), Internet Histories.
2018 Luca Belli and Olga Cavalli, Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America
2019-1 Early RFCs available from Computer History Museum
2019 Internet Interview Projects: Internet History.Asia, Oral Internet History, Robert Mitchell/APNIC, Babbage Institute, Computer History Museum,
Andrew Ure/WiWiW
2019-02-28 Kilnam Chon presented at 2019 APRICOT on Internet History Projects
2019-10-29 50th Anniversary Celebration at UCLA [mirrored site], ARPANET was born 50 years ago, 1969-10-29 (article).
2020 List of Internet Pioneer Interview Projects around the World
2020-12-08 NSFNET 35 Anniversary Celebration
2020-10-24 CSNET-Asia 35th Anniversary Celebration
2021 Sidnedy Reed, DARPA Technical Accomplishment, An historical rein of substantial DARPA projects, IDA P-2192, February 1990.
(2015) Alex McKenzie, Internet, Discovery in Modern Science, pp.565-571, 2014-2015.
2022 The oral histories of the internet and the web, Internet Histories; Digital Technologies, Culture, Society.
2022 History of Computer Communications, ACM & Computer History Museum
Project Milestone
2011-03 Agreed to Launch Asia Internet History Project during Global INET.
2011-10 Formed Coordination Committee of Asia Internet History Projects.
2012-01 Formed Advisory Group of Asia Internet History Projects.
2011~2013 Interviewed Internet Pioneers for Video Recording (YouTube)
2013-12 Published Book 1, A History of the Internet in Asia: First Decade (1980~1990); available from Google and Amazon
2015-02 Published Book 2, A History of the Internet in Asia: Second Decade (1991~2000); available from Google and Amazon
2016-05 Published Book 3, A History of the Internet in Asia: Third Decade (2001~2010); available from sec@InternetHistory.asia
2016-06 Internet History Project moved to maintenance mode with periodic updates.
2016-06~ Request for national Internet history articles on Internet Governance, Cyber Security, Online Education, Snapshots,....
2019-06 Decided to publish Asia Internet History, Fourth Decade (2010s) in 2022.
2020-01 Table of Contents of Asia Internet History, Fourth Decade (2010s)
2021-01-01 Published Book 4, Asia Internet History, Fourth Decade (2010s), Softcopy Version 1.0 (with Hardcopy on 2021.4.8)
2021-04 Initial Draft Table of Contents of Asia Internet History, Fifth Decade (2020s)
2024-03 Initial draft of the first edition of Asia Internet History, Fifth Decade (2020s)
The Internet in Asia started in 1980s. We are studying on the Internet history of Asian perspective with the following objectives;
- Record what happened from the 1980s through 2020s, and archive the relevant documents.
- Analyze the collaboration among Asian countries and the world, and the national, the regional, and global Internet eco-systems.
We published
the first volume on the1980s in 2013,
the second volume on the 1990s in 2015,
the third volume on the 2000s in 2016, and
the fourth volume on the 2010s in 2021.
We plan to publish the fifth volume on the 2020s as follows;
the first edition in the 2026Q1, and
the second edition in the 2031Q1.
We interviewed Internet leaders in Asia and the world in the 2010s, and archived the interviews in this website.
Advisory Group - Asia
Australia Bob Kummerfeld, Robert Elz
Bangladesh Hakikur Rahman
Cambodia Norbert Klein
China Hu Daoyuan, Li Xing, Yan Baoping, Zhang Jian
Hong Kong Nam Ng
India Srinivasan Ramani, Madhukar Pitke
Iran Siavash Shahshahani
Indonesia Jos Luhukay
Japan Jun Murai, Shigeki Goto, Tohru Asami
Korea Kilnam Chon, Yongjin Park, Yanghee Choi, Kyungran Kang
Malaysia Mohamed Awang Lah, Sureswaran Ramadass
Myanmar Wit Hmone Tin Latt
Mongol Baasansuren Burmaa
Nepal Gauraub Raj Upadaya
New Zealand Brian Carpenter
Pakistan Naveed Haq
Russia Natalia Bulashova, Dmitry Burkov
Singapore Lawrence Wong, Bernard Tan Tiong Gie, Tan Tin Wee
Sri Lanka Gihan Dias, Abhaya Induruwa
Taiwan Vincent Chen
Thailand Kanchana Kanchanasut
Turkey Bunyamin Atici
Vietnam Le Thuy Cam, Vu Hoang Lien
Yemen Walid Al-Saqaf
Asia Ching Chiao, Daeyoung Kim, James Lee, Paul Wilson
Advisory Group - External
Central Asia Peter Kirstein
Pacific Islands Save Vocea
Africa Tarek Kamel, Pierre Dandjinou
Europe Werner Zorn, Brian Carpenter
North America Larry Landweber, Steve Goldstein, George Sadowsky
Latin America Michael Stanton, Raul Echeberria
Coordination Committee
Kilnam Chon(Chief Editor), Hu Daoyuan, Kanchana Kanchanasut, Bob Kummerfeld, Jun Murai, Lawrence Wong
Jungbae An, Kyungran Kang
Mirroring Site: http://internethistoryasia.jinbo.net
Updated: 2024.11.15
Contact sec at InternetHistory.Asia for further information.