Hong Kong
ccTLD: HK (the date of ccTLD delegation: 1990-01-03)
Population (Year)
6,702,500 (2000) 7,089,705 (2010) 7,122,508 (2011)
Internet Population (Year)
2,283,000 (2000) 4,878,713 (2010) 4,894,913 (2011)
Broadband Population (Year)
2,111,109 (2010)
IP Address Allocation (Year):
Number of IPv4 addresses: 11,770,880 (2012)
Number of IPv6/48s : 5,636,133 (2012)
5 Popular Websites[from alexa.com]:
Yahoo!: yahoo.com
Facebook: facebook.com
Google 谷歌 : google.com.hk
Google: google.com
Youtube: youtube.com
[Chow 1987] KP Chow et al, "HARNET - Hong Kong Academic and Research Network," U. of Hong Kong, TR-B1-87, Jan. 1987.http://ebook.lib.hku.hk/CADAL/B38629951.pdf
[JUCC 2005] JUCC, "HARNET in 2005," JUCC 25th Anniversary Publication, U. of Hong Kong, 2005?.
[under construction]
Updated: 2012.7.11
Contact Sec at InternetHistory.Asia for further information.