Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
ccTLD: JO (the date of ccTLD delegation: 1994-11-23)
Population (Year)
5,282,558 (2000)
6,407,085 (2010)
6,508,271 (2011)
Internet Population (Year)
127,300 (2000)
1,741,900 (2010)
1,987,400 (2011)
Broadband Population (Year)
195,784 (2010)
IP Address Allocation:
Number of IPv4 addresses: 674,176 (2012)
Number of IPv6/48s: 655,360 (2012)
[Jordan 2011] Department of Statistics, Communications and Information Indicators, 2010-2011, Government of Jordan, 2011,
[Karmash 2001] Mohammad Karmash, Internet Business in Jordan, Arab Regional Internet & Telecomm Summit, 2001,
"The Internet was introduced in Jordan back in the mid-1990s when dial-up connections of up to 56 kbps was introduced. Being a developed country that has other priorities, the Internet at that time did not receive the attention that it does today. Currently, more than one third of the Jordanian population are online. What makes the Internet even more important is the fact that Jordan is considered to be the Silicon Valley of the Middle East.
With ADSL connections ranging from 256 kbps up to 8 Mbps, and with starting prices of around USD 250 per month and dropping, many Jordanians have the ability to get online. Schools have focused on the Internet as part if their curricula.
Within the government, the "Secure Governmental Network (SGN)" initiative aims at connecting all Jordanian government offices with a nation-wide broadband network. Another initiative is the "National Broadband Network (NBN)" aiming at connecting government offices, R&D centers, and every educational institute within the borders of Jordan.
Broadband has not been implemented yet as the government of Jordan are working on licensing issues, and they expect to roll-out broadband services in the near future."
Updated: 2015.3.31
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