Latin America and Caribbean
Population (Year)
508,324,290 (2000) 592,556,972 (2010) 597,283,165 (2011)
Internet Population (Year)
18,068,919 (2000) 204,689,836 (2010) 235,819,740 (2011)
Broadband Population (Year)
38,541,700 (2010)
IP Address Allocation (Year):
Number of IPv4 addresses: 123,864,832 (2012)
Number of IPv6/48s: 4,636,086,673 (2012)
[Baeza-Yates 1993] Ricardo Baeza-Yates, José M. Piquer, Patricio V. Poblete. “The Chilean Internet Connection or I Never Promised You a Rose Garden,” Proc. 1993 INET, San Francisco, Aug. 1993.
[Hahn 1995] Saul Hahn, “Networking in Latin America and the Caribbean and the OAS/RedHUCyT project,”Proc.1995 INET, Honolulu, June 1995.
[Internet 2012] Internet Communications Costa Rica, Merit's Network Information Center - information about the Internet and NSFNET,
[Organization 2012] Organization of American States (OAS), Hemisphere-wide Inter-university Scientific and Technological Information Network – RedHUCyT,
[Quarterman 1991] John Quarterman. “Networks in Argentina,” Matrix News, vol.1, no.8, Dec. 1991,
[RedCLARA 2012] RedCLARA,
[Stanton 1993] Michael Stanton, “Non-Commercial Networking in Brazil,” Proc. 1993 INET, San Francisco, Aug. 1993.
[Stover 2010] Cathrin Stöver and Michael Stanton. Regional Perspectives (section 8.5 Latin America). in A History of International Research Networking, Howard Davies, Beatrice Bressan (Editors), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2010, p. 204-214.
Updated: 2012.7.12
Contact Sec at InternetHistory.Asia for further information