Syrian Arab Republic
ccTLD: SY (the date of ccTLD delegation: 1996-02-20)
ccTLD: SY (the date of ccTLD delegation: 1996-02-20)
Population (Year)
17,868,100 (2000) 22,198,110 (2010) 22,517,750 (2011)
Internet Population (Year)
30,000 (2000) 3,935,000 (2010) 4,469,000 (2011)
Broadband Population (Year)
67,564 (2010)
IP Address Allocation (Year):
Number of IPv4 addresses: 822,272 (2012)
Number of IPv6/48s: 131,072 (2012)
Updated: 2014.9.20
Contact Sec at InternetHistory.Asia for further information.