Siavash Shahshahani


Youn Jung Park

Interview Date/Time

2013.4.9 Tuesday 18:00~19:00


Beijing International Hotel (Room number will be announced)

Questions - initial draft

0. introduction by interviewer

1. self introduction by interviewee

2. when did you start the internet access?

3. please describe early internet development in iran in 1980s~1990s?

4. will you explain on your major involvement on iran internet development

including .ir and IP address allocation for iran?

5. what is your current involvement on the internet now?

6. what are major challenges for the internet in iran?

7. what do you anticipate on the iranian internet development in 10~20



Siavash Shahshahani's Bio from ICANN Wiki

Updated: 2013.4.3

Contact sec at for further information.