Additional Documents
NSF, NSF Award #9106198 Pacific Communications Network(PACCOM), 1991.9.27. [Source: Steve Goldstein, 2012.1.12]
NCSA, STARTAP announcement,1997.4. [Source: Steve Goldstein, 2012.1.29]
Lawrence Landweber, Personal Communication on IANW Dates, 2012.1.25.
Tan Tinwee, List of items for year table, 2012.1.25.
Tan Tinwee, List of Asia's contribution, 2012.1.27.
Sangju Park, "Current Status and Open-Door Trend of the Internet in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)," KISDI Information Communication Policy, 2008.
English translation by Sunyoung Yang, 2012.
H. J. Park(hjpark)'s E-mail on 1990.3.24 [First email over IP connection between HANA Network in Korea and the US Internet(NSFNET)]
Daniel Karrenburg, et al., Messages on APNIC history, 2012.5.30. official logo [1] / [2], 2012.6.3.
Internet Organizations/Events in 1980 ~ 2010 in Asia, 2012.6.4.
Updated: 2012.8.17
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