


Yukio Karita

Subject: HEPnet-J Status Report for the APNG meeting

One of the big changes in HEPnet is the new establishment of the Japan-China

link. KEK (National Laboratory for High Energy Physics) in Tsukuba, Japan,

and IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics) in Beijing, China, are connected

with a 64Kbps satellite circuit and Cisco routers. The 64Kbps circuit itself

was delivered from telecom companies to us in March 1994, but it took some

time to get approval from US DOC in using Cisco routers in IHEP. Both DECnet

and IP started to run over the KEK-IHEP link on 18 July 1994. In the DECnet

Internet, IHEP belongs to Japan's area, area 40, due to the shortness in

address space in the DECnet PhaseIV. In the TCP/IP Internet, IHEP has their

own AS and is connected to KEK with BGP. From IHEP, the link is extended

to ITP (Institute of Theoritical Physics) and to ISTIC (Institute of

Scientific and Technical Information of China) in China. The satellite

circuit will soon be replaced by a terrestrial circuit (hopefully, before the

APNG meeting in November 1994).

HEPnet-J and other networks in Japan including SINET, JOIN, TISN, and WIDE

who have their own link to the US are mutually connected at Tokyo. Some of

them are configured to work as a back-up of the KEK-US link. Thus, even in

case the KEK-US link happens to be down, not only HEPnet-J but also IHEP

won't lose the connectivity to the world. However the KEK-IHEP link doesn't

have any back-up for the present, though there exist several international

links terminated in Beijing. Coordination in the routing and the back-up

in Asia shall be needed in near future in some place (probably in APNG).

KEK has a plan to extend the link to High Energy Physics institutes in Russia

from KEK.

The KEK-US link was upgraded from 192Kbps to 512Kbps on 28 August 1994.