


Yeon Sang Lee


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| Beijing APNG Seminar/Meetings |

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| Tsinghua University, Beijing, China |

| November 26th - 29th, 1995 |

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| Asia Pacific Networking Group |

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1. Seminar

Room 326, Main Building

9:00-17:00, 11.26&27

* Main Building

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Tel: +86-1-2594016

Fax: +86-1-2564173

2. Meetings

Meeting Room 1, Guest House

9:00-12:00, 11.28&29 General Meeting

Meeting Room 2, Guest House

13:00-18:00, 11.28 Commercial WG Meeting

Meeting Room 3, Guest House

13:00-15:30, 11.28 Developing Countries WG Meeting

16:00-18:00, 11.28 I18N/L10N WG Meeting

* Guest House

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Tel: +86-1-2561531

a. Tsinghua University: around 30 kilometers from Beijing Airport

(It will take 30 minutes by taxi - US$12.)

b. Main Building is located in the east of the campus, Guest House

is in the center. It's about 500 meters between them.

c. You can get the map of Tsinghua University by anonymous ftp

from krnic.net in the directory /apng with the file name


2. Related Documents:

049.meeting.announce.Nov94 (announcement on beijing meeting)

051.seminar.announce.Nov94 (announcement on beijing seminar)

052.attendee.Nov94 (list of participants to beijing meeting)

053.general.agenda.Nov94 (general meeting agenda)

054.commercial.agenda.Nov94 (commercial wg meeting agenda)

055.develop.agenda.Nov94 (developing countries wg meeting agenda)

056.i18n.agenda.Nov94 (i18n/l10n wg meeting agenda)

057.hepnet-j.report.Nov94 (HEPnet-J report for general meeting)

058.final.announce.Nov94 (seminar/meeting schedule, venue, list of

related documents)

All files are availiable via anonymous ftp as well as gopher.

Anonymous Ftp and Gopher sites are as follows.

Ftp Host: krnic.net

directory: /apng

Gopher: gopher.krnic.net

directory: 4. Anonymous FTP Files


3. For More Information:

APNG Secretariat <apng-sec@krnic.net>

Yeon Sang Lee

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Taejon, Korea

Tel: +82-42-869-3554

Fax: +82-42-869-5554

Beijing APNG Secretariat

Ming Lu <luming@tsinghua.edu.cn>, Susan S. Zhu <szhu@cernet.edu.cn>

Room 216A, Main Building

Institute of Integrated Information Network Technology

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel: +86-1-2594669 or +86-1-2561144 ext. 3492

Fax: +86-1-2564173