


A. Oka




Shigeki Goto goto@ntt-20.ntt.jp

Atsuko Oka oka@slab.ntt.jp

Kwan Ho Song khson@hen.nca.or.kr

Zheng Yong zheng@net.edu.cn

Jeff Smith jasmith@well.sf.cu.us

Lawrence Law cclaw@usthk.jst.hk

Kilnam Chon chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr

Hruhisa Ishida ishida@u-tokyo.ac.jp

Kinming Fung mingfung@cuhk.hk

Wen-Sung Chen wschen@moers2.edu.tw

P. T. Ho HPT@cc.hku.hk

Michelle Chiang michelle@technet.sg

contributors who did not attend the BoF, but made reports: (5)

Michele.Huston@anu.edu.au (Michele Huston)

yone@glocom.ac.jp (Yonehiro Sawada)

ohlee@ns.kedi.re.kr (Ok-hwa Lee)

richard@apic.or.jp (Richard M. Pavonarius)

haoxin@bepc2.ihep.ac.cn (Cindy, Xin HAO)

[Country Report]


ACTEIN program(Australian Capital Territory Education Information Network)

10 primary and 8 secondary schools take part in this project.

Technical and training support to accompany the Internet is necessary.

Immidate result is the confirmation of the value of E-mail.


100 school Networking Project

It is funded by MITI and sponsored by MITI and MOE.

Some has just begun.


Funding sponsors are Fuji Xerox, Omron, YHP.

Project sponsors are AT&T Jens, which is a network service provider.

its online educational projects include KIDLINK, which has over 23000

participants from 65 countries.


Primary and secondary education are participants.

Australian Asia Education Foundation is a sponsor.

Participants' countries are KR, US, AU, JP, CN..

The number of schools are more than 400.

The individual subject area is important.


International school has links to Beijing Univ.

3 Beijing high schools are connected to the Internet:

- one operated by/within the Peking University, via uucp;

- the Beijing International school, a US-style K12 school, via SLIP;

- the Beijing Western Academy, via uucp;


Internet is used for education and basic application

for primary school.

There is a 2-year plan named "Email to high school".

21 country/city, each organized a 3 to 5 persons'

team from teachers.

Technical support is from TANet RNC.

MOE support 1.0~1.5M in the 1st year.

There are 8 regional Network Centers.


Pilot project

This is established by Technet, national computer board and MOE.

MOE has a 64 kbps link to Technet.

WEB for education is made (http://www.moe.ac.sg).

1st target is a junior high school.

Hong Kong

There is no central goverment policy no currently working model

to connect up k12 schools.

Individual universities have their own initiatives to connect

k12 schools to the Inet, so some k12 schools have very limited

connection currently.

The ratio that kids use Internet is low.


There is an economic problem, though technology is wide spread.


About BBS

It is convenient because we only to prepare modem and PC.

Korea: BBS is very popular and there are many NSPs.

problem is to communicate between BBSs.

New Zealand:

New Zealand has a good model.

Internet is 1st.

BBS can connect to Internet and can be trusted well.

Between BBSs, people can communicate through Internet.

Japan: There are 2 big BBSs, Nifty and PC-van.

Each connects to other countries.

Which is better, a link to school or a link to home?

In Taiwan, a link connects to a teacher's home.

How much is the training teacher's cost?

What subject of teacher is appropriate when he attends this kind of Meeting?

English? Because we will discuss in English.

Information exchange is important.

We want to invite the person from MOE of Japan.

and Ask him a frank opinion.


Education WG

Education WG is established.

The Chairman is Dr. Wen-Sung chen from Taiwan.