








1) Purpose and Summary

By a motion at the APNG's November '94 Beijing meeting,

the APNG-ELECTIONS committee was formed and assigned with making

recommendations on terms of reference for election procedures.

Our recommendations are respectfully submitted herein.

They are presented to the APNG body for debate and consideration.


We encourage the membership to discuss and contribute to them prior

to their formal adoption.

2) Elected posts vs. appointed posts:

APNG Chair: Elected

APNG Vice Chair: Appointed by APNG Chair

Other posts: Working Group Chairs: Working Groups shall

determine whether their respective Chairs are elected,

terms of office, election procedures, etc. They are

welcome to adopt and adapt these terms.

3) Who may vote in an election

Any APNG member who has registered their email address

with the APNG secretary.

4) Term of office

Term of office for the APNG Chair shall be 2 years.

5) Who conducts the election

The APNG Election Coordination Committee (APNG-ECC) (to be

established) shall be responsible for coordinating the

election. It shall consist of at least 4 and no more 8

volunteers from the APNG membership.

6) Initiation of an election

A motion may be raised at a APNG general meeting to initiate the

election whenever the elected's term of office is completed or

the post is vacated.

- (The first election should be initiated at the June-July

- meeting of APNG in Hawaii)

7) Elections nomination and & seconding

The election process begins with members of the APNG body

nominating candidates. The nomination must be seconded and

the would-be candidate must accept. These steps may occur

either in person at the APNG meeting, or via the APNG-ALL

mailing list. An individual may nominate themselves, but it

must be seconded by another individual.

8) Initiation and announcement of on-line elections

The APNG ECC shall announce the initiation of on-line elections

along with any nominations and their seconding and acceptance

status to the APNG-ALL email list. Further nominations will then be

solicited. Nominations, seconding and acceptance shall then

take place through reply email to the APNG-ECC.

9) Announcement/nomination/seconding period

The period of announcement and nomination/seconding shall

be 30 days.

10) Acceptance Period

Following the Announcement/nomination/seconding period, nominated

individuals shall have 14 additional days during which they

may accept the nomination if they have not done so already.

They are encouraged to email or provide a URL pointer to position

statement to the APNG-ALL list during this time.

11) Ballot announcement and call for votes

After the Acceptance Period, and upon finalization of the list

of candidates who were nominated, seconded, and accepted,

the APNG ECC will send out an Official Ballot via email to the

apng-all list. The ballot shall include names of the

candidates and instructions for how to vote. Voting will

be performed by replying email.

12) Vote period

Votes will be accepted for a period of 30 days.

+ 12.5) Elections completion at meeting


+ Completion of an election shall occur at a scheduled APNG meeting .

+ The on-line portion must be timed such that the meeting occurs

+ immediately after the 30 day on-line voting period. No

+ additional candidates may be added at the meeting.

+ Candidates will be given time on the agenda to deliver their

+ position statements. Voting will be carried out by physical ballot,

+ (by eligible members who have not already voted on-line)

+ with results added to the on-line votes to arrive at a winner

+ by simple majority.

13) Reminders

Members of APNG-ALL who have not yet voted may be sent

an email reminder during the voting period, encouraging them to

do so.

- 14) Software to be used


- The APNG ECC intends to utilize the USEVOTE software which is used

- by the Usenet community to vote on news group creation. It includes

- features to detect fraudulent voting and automatic acknowledgment.

15) Election results announcement

The ECC shall announce the results of the vote within

14 days after the Vote Period.

+ ---



+ A) The first election shall be iniated via email and completed

+ at the APNG Hawaii meeting


+ B) Software to be used


+ The APNG ECC intends to utilize the USEVOTE software which is used

+ by the Usenet community to vote on news group creation. It includes

+ features to detect fraudulent voting and automatic acknowledgment.