IANW '85
22~24 July 1985
Table of Contents(partial list) - Draft
Trond Skjesol
2. Introduction to the Information Exchange System for the European Strategic Programme for R & D in Information Technology, 10 Jan 1985.
3. European UNIX Network "EUNET", 18 July 1985.
Piet Beertema and Teus Hagen
4. Discussions in the working group on gateways and charging, July 1985.
5. Minutes of the X.400 interconnection meeting in Brussels, 113 June 1985.
E.A. Blau and Ulf Bilting
7. Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN), July 1985.
Peter Kaufmann
8. UK Academic Community Networking.
9. Deutsches Forschungsnetz - DFN - A Brief Descrtiption of the Project.
Gerrit Henken
10. FUNET, Finnish University Network, 10 July 1985.
Ari Rikkla
11. Present Status and Future Plans of SUNET - Swedish University Network Project, 18 July 1985.
Hand Wallberg
12. Network access to supercomputers - The NSF initiative.
Updated: 2013.6.12
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