IANW '88
26~28 October 1988
Table of Contents
Wednesday October 26
9:00 - Welcome and Local Arrangements - K. Preiss and S. Peleg
9:30 - Meeting Overview - L. Landweber
9:45 - 3:30 Project Updates (15 minutes each)
Scandinavia -J. Heinanen, H. Salminen, M. Brunel
EARN - D.Jennings (overview) and P. Bryant (ISO transition)
RARE MHS Pilot Project - H. Kvemlev
Germany ·P. Kaufmann (DFN), W. Zorn (BELWUE)
Spain· I. Martinez or J. Barbera (IRIS)
Central America - C. Gutierrez
Olile - F. Utreras (REUNA)
Japan - H. Ishida (JUNET)
Australia - B. Kummerfeld (ACSNET)
Canada – J. Demco (CDNNET)
U.S. - B. Galler (CSNET-BITNET merger) and D. Farber (NSFNET)
CCIRN - L. Landweber
Working Group
3:00 Wednesday: Discussion Topics for the Full Group and Working Group;
8:30 Thursday: Telecommunications Tariffs Throughout the World - H. Nussbacher
9:00 Thursday: Full Group and Working Group Discussions
9:00 Friday: Full Group and Working Group Discussions
B. Suggested Topics
The Global R&D Network
- world model for interconnection
what are the obstacles?
political. technical, management. economic
- protocols
what protocols should be used? - TCP/IP vs. ISO
will there be a migration? - is so how and when?
is a migration desirable?
is coexistence possible?
is ISO a panacea or a curse?
- gateways - how will the various component networks and
services be connected? ISO/TCP, mail (RFC822/X.400).
file transfer (FIP/FTAM), connection oriented/connectionless.
naming/addressing and global directory services
what should the services be beyond mail?
what is achievable?
How can developing countries be brought into the international networks environment?
- do international agencies (e.g., UN, World Bank) have a role to play?
- is an international consulting service possible?
What role, if any, will PTT's play in the development of the global internet?
How can international cooperation be expanded and made less ad-hoc?
C. Articles - Draft
[1] John Demco, "Canada - CDNET", Ocotber 1988.
[2] H. Ishida, "Research Networks in Japan", 1988.
[3] "China - CANET", January 1988.
[4] Stephan Wolffe, Letter to David Farber of CSNET: "Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure", NSF, 8 November 1987.
[5] Peter Kaumann, "DFN - A Brief Description of the Project," October 1988.
[6] International Rates for High Speed Links (from Europe) to the USA.
[7] R. J. Kummerfeld, "ACSnet: the Australian Academic and Research Network," 1988.
[8] J. P. Le Guigner, "The REUNIR Network - Presentation and current status," October 1988.
[9] Harvard Kvernelv, "Status of RARE Pilot MHS Service," 1 September 1988.
[10] Trevor Hales, "Networking in Australia," CSIRO.
[11] Harri Salminen, "FUNET Topology," 14 July 1988.
[12] Havard Kvernelv, "Status of RARE Pilot MHS Service," 21 October 1988.
[13] Joint Working Party A, "MDNS(Managed Data Network Services) - 22 PTTs," 1988.
[14] COSINE, "Rapid Progress in COSINE Project for Data Communcation Between Researchers in Europe," 5 October 1988.
[15] Bernard Galler, "Proposed Merger of CSNET and BITNET," October 1988.
[16] GARR, "COSINE Implementation Phase Plan - National Plan," Italy, June 1988.
[17] ILAN, ILAN Charter, "Rules, Regulation, and Code of Conduct," October 1988.
[18] Frode Greisen, "Networking in Denmark and Connections to International Nets".
[19] CEC, "Policy Objective".
[20] Mats Brunell, Einar Loevdal, "NORDUNET and the NORDUnet Overview,".
[21] Commission of the European Communities, "Press Release: Trans-Europe data network service for researchers," COSINE, 5 October 1988.
[22] J. Barbera and I. Martinea, "IRIS: Spanish Networking Program for the R&D Sector," September 1988.
[24] COSINEPolicy Group, "Project Status Information EUREKA Project No.8 - COSINE," June 8, 1988.
[25] Werner Zorn, "BELWUE, Baden-Wuettemberg Extended LAN," October 1988.
Updated: 2013.6.12
Contact Sec at InternetHistory.asia for further information.