INET '92
Kobe, Japan
June 15-18, 1992
World Regional Networks
R1: Africa/Middle East
RINAF: A Network Interconnection Project of Academic and Research Institutions in Africa L. Abba, S. Giordano & Stefano Trumpy, CNUCE, Italy
Academic and Research Networking in Southern Africa--The UNINET-ZA Experience A. Shaw, UNINET/FRD, South Africa
RIO: An Operational Network in 6 Sub-Saharian Countries of Africa and Three South Pacific Islands Pascal Renaud and Monique Michaux, ORSTOM, France
R2: Latin America and Carribbean
Developing Methodologies for Assuring the Primacy of User Concerns in Network Planning: A New Study of a Large Population of Scientists in ChileStephen R. Ruth, George Mason University, USA & Florencio Utreras, University of Chile, Chile
The Organization of American States Hemisphere-wide Networking InitiativeSaul Hahn, OAS, USA
R3: Asia & Pacific
A Review of Educational and Research Networking Activity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific John Nine, Victoria Univ., New Zealand
High Speed Networking - A Korean ApproachYanghee Choi, Seoul National Univ., Korea
Academic Networking in ChinaHu Daoyuan, Tsinghua Univ., China
R4: Eastern Europe
Networking in the Baltic Countries: the BALTBONE Project Sergei Rotanov, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia; Ants Work, IC, Estonia & Laimutis Telksnys, LAS,Lithania
Research and Academic Networking in the Czech and Slovak Federal RepublicJan Gruntorad, CTUp, CSFR
HUNGARNET: The Hungarian Academic and Research NetworkPeter JJakonyi & Laszlo Csaba, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Romanian Academic Network: Present Status & Future DevelopmentsPaul-Dan Cristea, Gheorghe Pascovici & Nicolae Popovici, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania
R5: Europe
The COSINE ProjectDai R. H. Davies, RARE/CPMU, Netherlands
Europe: Organizational OverviewThomas Kalin, RARE, Netherlands
R6: North America
Update on Canadian NetworksJohn Curley, NRC, Canada & Pat Sampson, ISTC, Canada
United States Networking--A Regional PerspectiveGlenn Ricart, SURAnet/Uinv. Of Maryland, USA
S1: Japan [the Host Country]
Academic Internetworking in JapanHaruhisa Ishida, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
WIDE Project Overview: Status Report of 1992Jun Murai, Keio Univ., Japan
Network Module Structure for Heterogenous DatalinksAkira Kato & Kaoru Hieda, Keio University, Japan
ISDN Internet for FIPTH: Fast IP to The Home - Development of MLP-over-ISDN ProtocolKen-ichiro Murakami & Toshiharu Sugawara, NTT, Japan
Network Policy
P2: Network Connection Policy
Connectivity within the Internet - A Commentary Geoff Huston, AARNEl; Australia; Elise Gerich, MNI, USA & Bernhard Stockman, SUNET/NORDUnet, Sweden
Coordination Issues in Global Research NetworksPeter T. Kirstein, UC London, UK
P3: Privacy
Communications Privacy: Implications for Network DesignMarc Rotenberg, CPSR, USA
The Underpinnings of Privacy ProtectionFrank M. Tuerkheimer, Univ. ofWisconsin, USA
Privacy Protection in the Area of Telecommunication in Japan Tsuyoshi Hiramatsu, Kansei Gakuin Univ., Japan
Communication Privacy Challenges David H. Flaherty, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada
P4: Appropriate Use - Changing Perception with Network Growth
Civil Liberties in CyberspaceMitchell D. Kapor, EFF, USA
Internet Appropriate Use Policies: A Practical ApproachSergio F. Heker, Princeton Univ., USA
The CERT/CC Experience: Past, Present and FutureBarbara Y. Fraser & Richard D. Pethia, SEI/CMU, USA
P5: Network Security
Overview of Internet Security DevelopmentsStephen D. Crocker, Trusted Information Systems, USA
An Overview of Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) Stephen Kent, BBN, USA
Cryptographic Support in a Gigabit NetworkJonathan Smith, Univ. ofPennsylvania, USA
P6: Globalization of Networks
Intercontinental Engineering and Planning Group: INET'92 ReportGeoff Huston, AARNET, Australia
Network Applications
A1: The Role of National Libraries in the Evolving Global Information Infrastructure and Environment
(Paul Evan Peters, Coalition for Networked Information, USA; David Russon, British Library, UK; Pamela Q. J. Andre, National Agricultural Library, USA & Eric Wainwright, National Library ofAustralia, Australia)
A2: Networks and Social Change
Computer-Mediated Communication: A Potential Tool for Organizational ChangeSylvia Wilbur, QMW College, UK & Hannes Lubich, ETHZ,Switzerland
RELCOM, An Appropriate Technology NetworkLarry Press, California State Univ., USA
K12 Network: Global Education through Telecommunications Janet Murray, K12net, USA
A3: Entry Level/Low-cost Solutions
FidoNet: Use, Technology and ToolsRandy Bush, PSG, USA
UUCP Networking in an Institutional, National and International Context Juan Miguel Stefanich, CNEA, Argentina
From FidoNet to Internet: the Evolution of a National Network F.F. Jacot Guillarmod, Rhodes Univ. South Africa
A4: Network Management
Configuration Detection in Computer Networks within an OrganizationYuko Murayama,WIDE/Keio Univ., Japan
A Multiagent Diagnostic System for Internetwork ProblemsToshiharu Sugawara and Ken-ichiro MurakamNIT, Japan
Intelligent Network ManagementK Jayanthi, G. MansfielM. Murata, K HiguchAICSL, B.Chakraborty, Y. Nemoto & S. Noguchi, Tohoku Univ., Japan
A5: Computer Supported Collaborative Works
Cooperative Work Using Advanced B- ISDN Video WorkstationsTohru HoshKenjiro Mori, Yasuhiro Takahashi & Takeshi lshizald, Hitachi, Japan
Supporting Encounters and Interactions in a Virtual EnvironmentNorihi/co Matsuura, Go Fujino, Ken-ichi Okada & Yutaka Matsushita, Keio Univ.,Japan
Dynamics of Electronic CollaborationMartyne Hallgren, Cornell Univ., USA
A6:Computer-mediated Communication- based Distance Education
Third Generation Distance EducationBengt Olsen, KOMunity Software, Sweden
Creating Collaborative Environments in Education and Training-waiting for ElectropolisMorten Soeby, Univ. of Oslo, Norway
Virtual Classrooms for the 1990'sAndrew Feenberg, SDSU, USA
Network Technology
Tl: ATM from Desktop to the Wide-Area Network
ATM Tedmiqaee for JUab Speed Data CommunicationIchiro Inoue, Shin-ichiro Chaki & Naotaka Morita, NIT, Japan
T2: Advanced Networking Technology & Applications
Host Migration in Virtual Internet ProtocolFumio Teraoka, Sony CSL, Japan
T3: Network Technologies--- the Next Generation
Next Generation Lightwave Transmission Technology-- Towards Simple and Flexible Networks-- Hideki lshio, NTT, Japan
T4: Network Operation and Measurement
An Internet Gateway in a Corporate Environment: Operational Experience and DemographicsHoward L. Funk, IBM, USA
Traffic Analysis of Trans-Atlantic TrafficIan Wakeman, Dave Lewis & Jon Crowcroft, UC London, UK
An Analysis of International Academic Research Network Traffic between Japan and Other Nations Toshiya Asaba, Recruit, Japan; K. Claffy, Univ. of California, USA, Osamu Nakamura, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan & Jun Murai, Keio Univ., Japan
T5: Addressing and Flow Control
Efficient and Flexible Hierarchical Address AssignmentPaul F. Tsuchiya, Bell Core, USA
The CWR Scheme: Congestion Avoidance using Combined Window-Rate Adaption Ortwin M. Rose, Univ. ofKarlsruhe, Germany
Flow Control in High -Speed Networks with Long DelaysSrinivasan Keshav, AT&T Bell Labs, USA
T6: MultiMedia
QOS Control of Continuous Media CommunicationsYoshito Tobe, Toshiba, Japan; Stephen T. C. Chou & Hideyuki Tokuda, CMU, USA
Multimedia Conferencing: from Prototype to National PilotMark J. Handley & Steve R. Wilbur, UC London, UK
Practical Problems with Implementing Multisite Multimedia Conferencing InternationallyClaudio Topolcic, NRI, USA
Software Codecs and Work -station Video ConferencesChristian Huitema & Thierry Turletti, INRIA, FRANCE
Workshop for Developing Countries
The Importance to Governments of Access to Distributed KnowledgeGeorge Sadowsky, New York Univ., USA
Remark: We are linking some of the articles temporarily now. changed the link for R1: RINAF
Updated: 2016.7.20
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