JWCC '86

Table of Contents

Session 1 : Protocols ------------------------------------------------------------------1

1. A Distributed Processes Communication Control Mechanism Based On Monitor Concepts-----------------2

Dong Kyou Kim, Ajou Univ.

2. Implementation of TCP/IP on Personal Computer. -------------------------------------------------------------------15

Y. Hieda, Sofia Univ., Japan

3. Document Interchange Protocol in Telematic Services------------------------------------------------------------16

Chinhyun Kim and Chulhee Kang, ETRI

4. Hanyang Multimedia Message Handling System - A Status Report.------------------------------------------25

Hangbong Kang and Yongjin Park, Hanyang Univ.

Session 2 : IPC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------47

5. IPC Mechanicm for DADOS Environment----------------------------------------------------------------------------48

Heungshuik Kim, Dongho Song, Kyeongbeom Kim, and Young Hee Lee, ETRI.

6. Design of Transport Protocol for IPC--------------------------------------------------------------------------------57

Kwanghui Lee and Sunshin An, Korea Univ., and Yonghee Lee, ETRI

7. Interprocess Communication on Local Area Network Evvironment-----------------------------------------65

Michiro Yabuki, Sofia Univ., Japan.

Session 3 : Telecommunications-------------------------------------------------------66


9. Development of a Distributed File System for UNIX-----------------------------------------------------------------67

Sugwoo Byun, Jeongbae Lee, Haejin Kim, and Keewook Rom, ETRI., KongKwan Kim, SST.

10. Joint DBMS - An Approach for Distributed Data Base Processing.------------------------------------------77

Insub Paik, DACOM.

Session 4 : Distributed System----------------------------------------------------------90

11. An Implementation of Distributed Kernel for Real-time applications.-------------------------------------------91

Eunho Choi, Hwangkyu Choi, Kyuho Park and Myungwhan Kim, KAIST.

12. X.Pagoda : Testbed for Distributed System.-----------------------------------------------------------------------105

Chul Chung, Dongman Lee, Hyun je Park, Jin Ho Hur, Duk Hwan Oh, and Kilnam Chon, KAIST.

13. Design and Implementation of a Name Server.-------------------------------------------------------------------114

Keisuke Tanaka and Jun Murai, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan.

14. Hangul Code Evaluation under Network Environment.---------------------------------------------------------115

Hwasook Jun, Cheolkio Kim, Gun Choe, Honggeun Kim, Yanghee Choi and Seonjong Chung, ETRI.

Panel 1 : Protocol Verfication & Testing.---------------------------------------------124

Design and Implementation of ETRI-Protocol Test Facility.---------------------------------------------------------125

Yanghee Choi, ETRI.

A Sate of The Art Servey on Modeling and Verification of Network Protocols.---------------------------------140

Dong Kyou Kim, Ajou Univ.

Panel 2 : Campus Computing Environment.--------------------------------------152

Pagoda : KAIST Computing Environment.----------------------------------------------------------------------------153

Kilnam Chon, KAIST

Campus Computer Network in Japan.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------171

Jun Murai, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., JApan.

Panel 3 : Research & Development Network.------------------------------------172

Metropolitan Area Network Design for DAE DUK Science Town.------------------------------------------------173

Seon J. Chung, ETRI.

SDN Status Report.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------179

Haesoon Cho, KAIST

A Study on the Establishment of Computer Network for Education and Research & Development.----187

Ok Hwan Byeon, Chung Hee Lee, KAIST

JUNET, N-1 Net and Sigma Project.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------211

Jun Murai, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan

[ Cover ]

Remarks. 8. of Session 3 is missing on original proceedings book.

Updated: 2012.11.18

Contact sec at InternetHistory.asia for further information.