JWCC '89

Fourth Joint Workshop on Computer Communications

July 1989

University of Tokyo

Table of Contents

Message from General Chairman (Y. Matsushita) ·························································· i

Message from the Editor (H. Ishida) ············································································· ii

Session 1. Standardization and Academic networks (Chair: H. Ishida)

Y. Matsushita (Keio University)

"Activities for Realizing Interoperable Networks" ························································1

M. Kang and Y. Lee (ETRI)

"Standardization Activities on Information Technology in Korea" ································ 9

K. Chon (KAIST)

"Academic and Research Networks-- Perspective from Pacific RIM"························· 13

Session 2. Protocols (Chair: Y.J.Park)

T. Kobayashi (NIT- CIPL)

"A Deadlock Avoidance Method for Locking Control in Distributed Database·············· 25


A. Nakamura and M. Takizawa (Tokyo Denki University)

"Totally Ordering (TO) and Partially Ordering (PO) Broadcast Protocol" ······················ 35

Session 3A. Campus Networks (Chair: J.Matsukata)

H. Kawai and F. Takayama (lwaki Meisei University)

"The MML Oriented Class Work Reporting System"···················································· 45

T. Hanzawa, T. Ishikawa, F. Takayama and H. Kawai (Iwaki Meisei University)

"A Distributed University System for Course Registration"········································· 55

M. Kanazawa (Kyoto University)

"Design and Implementation of an Integrated Information Network System for

Kyoto University"····································································································· 63

Session 4A. Distributed File Systems (Chair: S.S.An)

J.K. Kim, J.S. Lee and l.H. Lee (DACOM)

"Design and Implementation of File Transfer Protocol through Public Network"

································································································································· 71

S.J. Choi,G.S. Na and S.S. An (Korea University)

"A Design of Transaction Supporting Distributed File System" ······································81

A. Mitsuzawa, Y. Tanibayashi, T. Nakajima, H. Fuse and M. Tokoro (Keio University)

"NOA: A Reliable Distributed File System Based on NFS"···············································91

Session 5A. Large- scale Distributed Environments(1) (Chair: K. Murakami)

J. Murai (University of Tokyo)

"Construction of the Widely Integrated Distributed Environment"······························· 101

A. Kato (TIT) and H. Kusumoto (ETL)

"Gateway Technology in WIDE Project"··································································· 113

H. Kusumoto (ETL) and A. Kato (TIT)

"Robust Network Structure in WIDE Project"····························································· 121

K. Honda, M. Tokoro (Keio University) and J. Murai(University of Tokyo)

"The Design and Implementation of X.25 with Multi-link Scheme on WIDE Project"............ 129

Session 6A. Large-:- scale Distributed Environments(2) (Chair: J. Murai)

S. Yamaguchi (Osaka University) and H. Unno (Keio University)

"Security Issues in WIDE Project"················································································· 141

Y. Ishikawa, K.Saga, A. Onoe(Keio University) and J. Murai (University of Tokyo)

"Resource Management Function of WIDE" ····································································· 151

K. Tanaka and M. Ida (Aoyama Gakuin University)

"Design and Implementation of the Information Server-- A User Information

Database System for the Distributed System Apostle-- " ················································ 163

F. Teraoka, Y. Yokote (Sony) and M. Tokoro (Keio University)

"Muse- IP: A Network Layer Protocol for Large Distributed Systems with

Mobile Hosts" ·············································································································· I73

Session 3B. Communication Technologies(1)

S. Lee (ETRI) and Y. Won (Hong- Ik University)

"The Design of Conformance -Testing Service System on the Language Processor"······ 183

F. Sato, K. Katsuyama and T. Mizuno (Mitsubishi)

"TENT: Test Sequence Generation Tool for Communication Systems"······························ 193

Session 4B. Performance Evaluation (Chair: S. Yamaguchi)

J.K. Lee, H. Aida and T. Saito (University of Tokyo)

"The Performance Evaluation for High- speed Communication in a Distributed System" ················ 203

J. Kim, l. Oh and K. Lee (DACOM)

"Performance Measurement of Data Transfer Tests in a Computer with X.25" ······························ 213

J. Y. Lee and D. Y. Lee (POSTECH)

"Performance Comparison of Bridge Algorithms in Interconnected Local Area Networks" ··············· 223

Session 5B. Communications and Knowledge (Chair: M. Takizawa)

Y.X. Zhang, K. Takahashi, N. Shiratori, and S. Noguchi (Tohoku University)

"A Knowledge - based Software Environment for Protocol and Communication

Software Development" ································································································ 239

M.Fukushima (Fuji Xerox), KSugawara (Chiba /nst.of Tech.) and J.Oizumi(Sendai

Research Inst.of Information Sciences)

"A Smalltalklmplementation of Distributed Rule Base Systems for Distributed

Problem Solving" ·········································································································· 249

M.Katsumata and M. Takizawa (Tokyo Denki University)

"Prolog lnterface System on Distributed Navigational Database Systems"······················· 259

Y.Kiyoki and M.Mamiuchi (Tsukuba University)

"An Experimental Study on Stream - Oriented Parallel Processing for Logical Queries"··············· 269

Session 6B. Communication Technologies(2)

S. Miyaguchi, M. lwata and K. Ohta (NTT- CIPL)

"New 128- bit Hash Function"····························································································· 279

K.K. Lee, J. Y. Choi, Y.S. Cho and H.H. Lee (ETRI)

"An Internal Routing Scheme for Load Balancing in TDX- 10 CCS No.7 System"··························· 289

J.Y. Choi, K.K. Lee, K.H. Kang, W. G. Park, H. C. Yi, Y.S. Cho and H.H. Lee(ETRI)

"Software Structure and Implementation of CCS No.7 Using SDL/CHILL with

Concurrent Processing Feature" ························································································· 299

Session 7. Office Information Exchange (Chair: H. Kawai)

Y. Nakayama, K. Mori, F. Nakamura and T. Yamamitsu (Hitachi)

"Architecture and Implementation of an Office System for Realtime Cooperative

Information Manipulation" ··································································································· 309

H. Fukuoka, K. Watabe, S.Sakata and Y. Kiriha(NEC)

"Distributed Multiparty Conference System Based on Group Communication Architecture" ·············· 321

S.C. Kang and Y.J. Park (Hanyang University)

"Multimedia Handling Environment on UNIX System V/AT" ················································· 329

Y. Irino, N. Shiota and O .Nakamura (Ricoh)

"A Gateway of a Mailing System to a Facsimile Network" ··························································· 335

T. Yamakami, K. Haruta and K. Kinoshita (NTT- TNL)

"Dynamic Information Propagation in Office Information Network"················································ 343

Session 8. Inter- Process Communication (Chair: H. Kusumoto)

D.K. Kim, M.P. Hong and Y.C. Kim (Ajou University)

"A Remote Data Access Interface Model Using the Monitor IPC Mechanism" ······························ 353

G. Cho and N.Lee (ETRJ)

"Modelling of Distributed Programs with Rerriote Procedure Call" ··········································· 379

Q.He and H. Tanaka (University of Tokyo)

"A Distributed Resource Management System Based on an Object- Oriented Approach" ··············· 387

Late Submissions

D.Y. Kim (Chungnam National University)

"K3B4 Code for High- Speed Binary Signaling Over Fiber- Optic Links" ······································ 397


"Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree in L1 Metric for the Design of a Network with Minimum Cost"········ 409

Program for the 4th JWCC, 1989

4th JWCC Committee Members

List of authors and attendees

Updated: 2012.11.18

Contact sec at InternetHistory.asia for further information.