JWCC '93


General Co-Chair Message

Program Co-Chair Message

Workshop Organization of JWCC-8

JWCC-8 Program Schedule

Session A1: Communication Architecture & Protocol (CAP-I)

A1-1 Semi-automatic Implementation of ISO Application Layer Protocol: Multiple Tools Approach

M. C. Wong and R. Lai AUSTRALIA

A1-2 ESTRAX: An Interactive Translator from FSMs to Estelle

Yao Xue Zhang, Shu, San Xia, and Yue Zhang PRC

A1-3 A Design Method of Application-Oriented Protocol Based on Knowledge-Based Design Methodology

Takuo Suganuma, Kenji Sugawara, Tetsuo Kinoshita, Norio Shiratori, and Wentao Liu JAPAN

Session A2: Multimedia System (MMS-I)

A2-1 Voice Conference Tool across The Internet

Hiroyuki Tanaka, Koji Okamura, Masaki Hirabaru, and Keijiro Amki JAPAN

A2-2 Design of Video Mail Service on Desktop Multimedia System

Byeong-Nam Yoon, Jae-Doo Huh, Ju- Young Lee, and Chi-Jung Hwang KOREA

A2-3 Performance Enhancement of Fractal Block Coder

Kyu Tae Park, Taek Hyun Yun, Jong Sik Kim, Young Kyu Kim, and Hyun Min Jung

Session A3: Intelligent Network (IN-I)

A3-1 Requirements for Data Communications Networks in Service Operation System Platform

Masaharu Morihiro JAPAN

A3-2 Design and Implementation of Charging Data Transfer Protocol in Intelligent Network

Sang- yong Kang, Byung-hoon Min, and Seong-keun Lee KOREA

A3-3 Design and Implementation of High Performance SCCP Protocol for The Large Scale STP

S.S. Yang and Y. H. Lee KOREA

A3-4 Modeling and Analysis of Message Transfer Part for the CCS by Multiprocessor

Seok C. Park KOREA

Session A4: High Performance Transport Protocol (HPTP-I)

A4-1 OMTP : On-Line Multimedia Transport Protocol

EunGi Kim and SunShin An KOREA

A4-2 Effect of Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation Timer on The FDDI Network Performance

Chi- Chun Lo and Yung-Han Lee ROC

A4-3 Study of Interconnection between DQDB and Broadband ISDN

Jean-Lien C. Wu, Yen-Wen Chen, and Ken J. Y. Shih ROC

A4-4 Study on A Dynamic Adaption Protocol for Multiple TCP Versions

Byoungsoon Kim KOREA

Session Bl: Communication Architecture & Protocol (CAP-II)

B1-1 Multicasting Algorithm for ShufHeNet Multihop Lightwave Networks

Seonuck Paek, Taehyun Kim, Yanghee Choi, and Chongsang Kim KOREA

B1-2 Multicast Message Ordering on Ethernet-like Networks

Jongsung Kim, Cheeha Kim, and Inseog Seo KOREA

B1-3 Routing Security: Secure and Reliable Communications Using Information Dispersal

Method and Secret Routing Algorithms

Ilyong Chung, Youngrok Lee, and Seokwoo Kim KOREA

Session B2: Multimedia System (MMS-II)

B2-1 Character Encoding Method for Int e rnatio nalized P lain Tex t Processing

Masataka Ohta JAPAN

B2-2 Flexible Architecture for Communication Processing en-ice between P T - and PSDN

Do- Young Kim. Kook-Jin Nam. Hyeon- Sung Hong. Chang-Bum Lee, Sang-Joong Kim,

and Byeong-Nam Yoon KOREA

B2-3 Building A Multimedia Electronic Network News System under TA. -ET (Taiwan Academic Network)

Zeng- Yuan Yang and Shang-Rong Tsai ROC

Session B3: Intelligent Network (IN-II)

B3-1 AIN Systems Platform Architecture

N. H. Park, J. U. Chae, H. T. Lee, S. K. Lee, and Y. H. Lee KOREA

B3-2 IPC Mechanism for NICS on Intelligent Network

Hyunjoo Bae, Kyungjune Park, Jiseon Kim, and Pyungdong Cho KOREA

B3-3 A Traffic Overload Regulation at SCP III Intelligent Network

ChoongHo Cho, Yunheui Kim, KyungHyu Lee, and PyungDong Cho KOREA

Session B4: High Performance Transport Protocol (HPTP-II)

B4-1 High-Speed Transport Protocol for Multichannel Communications

Hyun Kook Kahng, Dongkyu Lim, Youngae Chun, and Chu Hwan Yim KOREA

B4-2 Design of The High Speed Transport Protocol Supporting Group Communication

Byung Kwen Song, Ji Woo Jung, Young Hee Lee, and Sun Shin An KOREA

B4-3 A Cell-Based Multichannel Architecture for Local Area Networks

Chun-Chao Yeh, Juin-Tarn Lin, Cheng- Yu Tu, Jan-Ming Ho, and Jie- Yang Juang ROC

Session C1: Communication Architecture & Protocol (CAP-III)

C1-1 The Motonori Problem and Its Solution by Policy Routing

Yuko Murayama, Motonori Nakamura, and Hideyuki Aikawa JAPAN

C1-2 A Multicast Protocol for Wide Area Network

Akihiro Fujii, Yoshiaki Nemoto, and Shoichi Noguchi JAPAN

C1-3 Solving Routing Problems by Genetic Algorithm

Hakman Wan HONG KONG

Session C2: Multimedia Tetworking (MMN-I)

C2-1 A Reference Model for Integrating CGM and CGI in Networking Environments

Kwan-Hee Yoo, Nak-hun Baek, Young-Seop Shin, and Byung-Kwon Ye KOREA

C2-2 Dynamic Hypermedia System using Knowledge Agent for Multimedia Information Networks

Michiaki Katsumoto and Yoshitaka Shibata JAPAN

C2-3 The Concepts and Design Principles of Integrated Multimedia Local Area Network

Tsunetoshi Hayashi JAPAN

Session C3: Distributed Computing (DC-I)

C3-1 An Object-Oriented Programming Environment for Distributed Applications

P.W. Huang ROC

C3-2 Implementation and Study of Paradise on Distributed Environment

Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki, Masaki Hirabaru, and Takeshi Nawata JAPAN

C3-3 A Taxonomy of Specification Models in Protocol Testing View

Woojik Chun KOREA

Session C4: Security & Reliability(S&R)

C4-1 A Logic-Based Verification Framework for Network Security Protocols

Tzonelih Hwang, Huey Der Chu, and Wei Chi Ku ROC

C4-2 The Reliability Analysis of Distributed Computing System with Imperfect Nodes

Deng-Jyi Chen and Min-Sheng Lin ROC

C4-3 A Secure Broadcasting Algorithm in Distributed System

Huei-Chung Chu, JenRong Chen, and Ping- Tai Sun ROC

Session D1: Communication Architecture & Protocol(CAP-IV)

D1-1 Performance Evaluation of an X.25 Front-End Processor: Measurements and

Analysis with Polling System

Jae Ho You, Won Ryu, Tae Jon Kim, and Byeong Nam Yoon KOREA

D1-2 Versatile Internal Protocol for The TDX-IO Packet Handler

Seong-Soon Joo, Joonki Min, Kyung-Pyo Jun, and Young-Si Kim KOREA

D1-3 Sequence Designs for Synchronous Code-Division Multiple Access Fiber-Optic

Systems with Multi-Media Services Guu-Chang Yang ROC

Session D2: Multimedia Networking (MMN-II)

D2-l An OCPN-Based Presentation Model for Distributed Multimedia Systems

DonLin Yang, An-Chi Liu, and Jyh-Dar Lin ROC

D2-2 A Flexible and Extensible Conferencing Framework for Desktop Video Conference Systems

S. C. Jiang, G. K. Ma, S. H. Huang, and J. J. Chen ROC

D2-3 A Workbench System for Multimedia Service on ISDN

Sun-Lang Hsiao, Ming- Yu Tseng, Wei-Thot Lee, Ming-Jang Pei, Ding- Yen Yeh, Wen-Jang Wu,

Wen-Hen Luo, Jang Liu, and Feng- Yue Hung ROC

D2-4 Optimal Synchronization Scenario Method for Temporal Synchronization Anomaly

Byeongho Jeon and Taekyun Kim KOREA

Session D3: Distributed Computing (DC-II)

D3-1 Software Process Model and Its Conflict Analysis

Shigeru Fujita, Kenji Sugawara, and Li Shiyong JAPAN

D3-2 Test Sequence Generation Method with Minimum Restrictions

Jae Hong Park, Seong Chun Kim, Jai Yong Lee, and Byung Moon Jin KOREA

D3-3 Design Concepts Of PC/WS Interoperable Softwares(PI TOS)

Sungtaeg Jun, Geun Young Lee, Soran Ine, and Duk-Joo Son KOREA

Session D4: Distributed Database Sy terns DDB

D4-1 The Design and Implementation of A Distributed Transac ion Processing System

Shyan-Ming Yuan and Jiann-Hung Lin ROC

D4-2 Image Database Reflecting Humans' Sense

Haruhiko Nishiyama, Sumi Kin, Teruo Yokoyama, and Yutaka Matsushita JAPAN

D4-3 Accessing Remote Database Through A Uniform Interface

Jia-Ling Koh, Wen-Fang Wang, Alex N. J. Wu, Shu-Chin Su Chen, and Bao-Shuh Paul Lin ROC

D4-4 Strategy for Cooperating Multiple Database Systems

Chiaki Yahata and Makoto Takizawa JAPAN

Session E1 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM-I)

E1-1 Study of Departure Process of Leaky Bucket Controlled On/Off Source in ATM


Jean-Lien C. Wu, Yen- Wen Chen, and Bao-Huah Chou ROC

E1-2 Data Communication over ATM Network

Kicheon Kim and Jong-Hyeon Lee KOREA

E1-3 Traffic Flow Control of Broadband Network Termination for Prevention of Congestion

in ATM Networks

Soong-Hee Lee, Jun-Kyun Choi, and Heung-Moon Choi KOREA

Session E2: Network Management Systems (NMS-I)

E2-1 Integrated Management: Emerging Trends and Future Challenges

Pradeep Ray and Michael Fry AUSTRALIA

E2-2 Adaptation Function in The Telecommunication Management Networks (TMN)

Systems Architecture

Jose Neuman De Souza, Nazim Agoulmine, and Jean-Pierre Claude FRANCE

E2-3 An Experimental OSI Network Management System: TLMS

Ching-Sung Lu, C. F. Kuo, H. C. Young, Y. W. Tsai, P. F. Chen, Y. S. Chiou,

C. Y. Wu, K. L. Fan, and Y. C. Chen ROC

Session E3: Groupware (CSCW-I)

E3-1 A Group Communication Support for UNIX

T. Y. Liang, C. H. Lee, and Francis Tam HONG KONG

E3-2 Rate-Based Flow Control for A High-Speed Group Communication Protocol

AkihikoNakamura and Makoto Takizawa JAPAN

E3-3 Design and Implementation of Group Communication Platform for Supporting

Cooperative Works

Jae-Hong Yim and Yong-Jin Park KOREA

Session E4: Distributed Computing (DC-III)

E4-1 A Distributed System for Interactive Visualization of Fractals

Hong Liu and Matthew C. Setzer USA

E4-2 DGT-Taiwan Tel SOPS-Service Order Processing Systems - Advance Custom

Client-Server Computing Platform

Bao-Shuh Wu ROC

E4-3 An ODBC Based Distributed Multimedia DBMS Architecture

Shih-Min Mao, Lee-Chuan Chuang, and Suh- Yun Wu ROC

Session F1: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM-II)

F1-1 ITAS: B-ISDN Terminal Adaptor for ISDN-Phone

Weonsoon Kim, Kilyoung Choi, Taewoon Kang, and Munkee Choi KOREA

F1-2 An Optimized Call Admission Control Strategy using Knapsack Algorithm

Jongwook Jang, Jung-tae Lee, and Chi-moon Han KOREA

F1-3 A Predictive Link-by-Link Rate-Based Flow Control and Buffer Management

Architecture for ATM Networks

ShiWei Wang, Kok Wah Lee, and K. C. Hong ROC

F1-4 Ring Based ATM-LAN Architecture

Byung Chun Jeon and Dae Young Kim KOREA

Session F2: Network Management Systems (NMS-II)

F2-1 A Design and Implementation of The Graphical Network Monitoring and Analysis

System for The Signaling Network NO.7

Kyeounsoo Kim, Jungtae Kim, Kidong Nam, and Byungdo Go KOREA

F2-2 The RMON MIB and Management

Michael C. Y. Wu, Allan J. L. Lin, and Mickey M. C. Tsai ROC

F2-3 Design and Implementation of Distributed Internet Exception Tracker

Shigeru Yamamoto, Kiyohiko Okayama. and Suguru Yamaguchi JAPAN

Session F3: Groupware (CSCW-II)

F3-1 Knowledge Propagation with FISH: Experience and Analysis

Yoshiaki Seki, Toshihiko Yamakami, and Akihiro Shimizu JAPAN

F3-2 Mainframe E-mail Use on The Distributed Campus Computer Environment for

Group Programming Practice

Hidetoshi Kawai, Toshihiro Hanzawa, Hiroki Yoshida, and Fumio Takayama JAPAN

F3-3 A Multimedia Collaboration System for FILM Pre-Production

Eric Gidney and Annmarie Chandler AUSTRALIA

Session F4: Distributed Computing (DC-IV)

F4-1 Design and Implementation of A Distributed Monitor Facility

Shyan-Ming Yuan and Yu-Kwen Hsu ROC

F4-2 A Deadlock-Free Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Sharing Diverse


Jin- Cherng Lin and Fwu-Song Jih ROC

F4-3 Distributed Self-Stabilizing Systems

Shing-Tsaan Huang and Lih-Chyau Wuu ROC

Session G1: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM-III)

G1-1 The Method of Integrating Management of Network Configuration Information

J. Nakagawa, Y. Yamanaka, and T. Yamaki JAPAN

G1-2 An Internationalization of Message Handling System XMH by using Motif Toolkit

Jungre Cho, Soomyung Park, Jaeyong Kim, and Sunyoung Han KOREA

G1-3 IONet-Towards An Interoperable Open Network

Kwang-soo Kim, Byoung-moon Chin, and Chu-hwan Yim KOREA

Session G2: Network Management Systems (NMS-III)

G2-1 The Design and Implementation of A Network Management System

Chen-Ming Tseng ROC

G2-2 SONET and OSI Management Model

Shih-Chun Wang ROC

G2-3 The Design and Implementation of A BLAN Management System

Chieh- Wen Cheng, Chiu-Sen Chang, Nen-Fu Huang, and Ron-Lon Tsai ROC

G2-4 An Implementation Model of OSI Fault Management

Jae-Oh Lee, Kee-Hyun Lee, and Kuk-Hyun Cho KOREA

Session G3: Groupware (CSCW-III)

G3-1 A Secret Sharing Scheme for Hierarchical User Groups

Shiuh-Pyng Shieh and Hung-Min Sun ROC

G3-2 Design and Implementation of An Integrated Computer Supported Cooperation

Work System (ICSCWS)

Der-Ming Liou and Liang-Jyh Wang ROC

G3-3 X Window Based Group Collaborative Editing System

Wuu- Yeong Leu and ShyanMing Yuan ROC

Session G4: Distributed Computing (DC-V)

G4-1 Two Address Allocation Schemes Impacts on An OIDSM System

I-Shyan Hwang and Jae-Soo Kim USA

G4-2 Improvement of Communication Processing using Thread and Signal in A High

Performance Computing Environment on A Cluster of Workstations

Kiyoshi Ryoukai, Tadanori Tezuka, Bernady O. Apduhan. and Toshinori Sueyoshi JAPAN

G4-3 Reducing Latency in A Distributed Shared Memory System

Byung- Wook Lee and Young-Chan Kim KOREA

Session H1: Communication Architecture & Protocol (CAP-V)

H1-1 The Application of MFOS in TTI

Shei-Mu Huang ROC

H1-2 A Comparative Analysis of Internet Routing Algorithms

Chi-Chun Lo and Chun-Shi Chen ROC

H1-3 A Code Division Multiple Access Packet Radio Sub-system under Intelligent

Network Concepts

Songchar Jiang and Pao-Ta Yu ROC

Session H2: Human Machine Interface(HMI)

H2-1 A Quality Matrix for User Services

Hong Liu and Donald Hockney USA

H2-2 A New Approach to Learning Vector Quantization

Yuan-Cheng Lai, Shiaw-Shian Yu, and Sheng-Lin Chou ROC

H2-3 Design and Implementation of User Friendly Interface for Directory Services

Keizo Saisho, Hiroaki Kashima, Kenichi Soejima, and Zengo Furukawa JAPAN

Session H3: Distributed Cooperative Systems (DCPS)

H3-1 A Cooperative Scheme for Selecting Routing Algorithms

Huan- Wen Tzeng, JiannLiang Chen, Ronlon Tsai, and Hung-Fa Sun ROC

H3-2 A Heuristic Fuzzy Logic Load Index Strategy in Distributed Systems

Jin-Cherng Lin and Jian-Rung Chen ROC

H3-3 Adaptive Load Balancing with Distributed Dispatchers using Piggybacked Information

Takashi Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Ohta, and Tadanori Mizuno JAPAN

H3-4 New Approach to Solution Synthesis of The Heterogeneous Multi-Agent System

ODKPS/TH-3 Hongxia Yang, Peng Hu, and Chunyi Shi PRC

Session H4: Conformance Testing (CT)

H4-1 Improving The UV-Method for Protocol Conformance Test Sequence Generation

Wen-Huei Chen, Chuan Yi Tang, and S. T. Vuong ROC

H4-2 An Application of A Decomposition Method for Reachability Analysis

X. Li, R. Lai and T. S. Dillon AUSTRALIA

H4-3 The Architecture and Conformance Testing of The Message Handling System

Ching-Sung Lu, M. C. Chu, R. S. Horne, C. F. Kuo, K. H. Liang, A. T. Chang, I. Lin, G.

H. Jeng, and W. J. Hwang ROC

H4-4 Design of A Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)

Ching-Sung Lu, C. F. Kuo, F. 1. Lin, C. 1. Hwang, W. 1. Yang, and M. J. Chen ROC

Updated: 2012.7.8

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