ccTLD: BD (the date of ccTLD delegation: 1999-05-20)
Population (Year)
134,824,000 (2000) 158,065,841 (2010) 158,570,535 (2011)
Internet Population (Year)
100,000 (2000) 995, 560 (2010) 5,501,609 (2011)
Broadband Population (Year)
60,000 (2010)
IP Address Allocation (Year):
Number of IPv4 addresses: 924,160 (2012)
Number of IPv6/48s : 1,966,083 (2012)
5 Popular Websites[from]:
Google :
[Bangladesh 2012] Bangladesh Directory,
[Chapagain 2007] D.P. Chapagain, “Regional Overview of Policy and Legislations on Provision of ICT Access for Disadvantaged Communities through Public-Private Partnership,” Expert Group Meeting on the Provision of ICT Access for Disadvantaged Communities through Public-Private Partnership, Bangkok, Dec. 2007.
[Haque 2004] Samudra E. Haque, “.bd Bangladesh,” in Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2003/2004, 2004, pp.47-59.
[Haque 2006] Samudra E. Haque, ".bd Bangladesh,” in Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005/2006, 2006, pp.74-77.
[NatioMaster 2012] NationMaster, Statistics on Bangladesh,
[Press 1999] L. Press, J.R. Choudhury, and S. Goodman, “Against All Odds: The Internet in Bangladesh,” OnTheInternet, vol. 5,no. 3, May/June, 1999, pp 32-37.
[Rahman 2010] H. Rahman, “e-Governance at the Grass Roots: SAARC Context,” Proc. the 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Beijing, China, 2010.
[Raihan 2008] Ananya Raihan and Shah M. Ahsan Habib, “'.bd' Bangladesh,” Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2007-2008, SAGE Publications India, 2008.
[Raihan 2010] Ananya Raihan, “'.bd' Bangladesh,” Digital review of Asia Pacific 2009-2010, SAGE Publications India, 2010.
[UN 2002] Unite Nations, Benchmarking E-government: A Global Perspective - Assessing the UN Member States, 2002.
[Virtual 2012] Virtual Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), the primer body on ICT policy issues was established by Act No IX of 1990 as an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology (formerly, Ministry of Science and Technology), Government of Bangladesh to encourage and provide support for ICT related activities in Bangladesh[1]. Main national focus is on capacity-building through ICT for socio-economic development. Provision of nationwide infrastructure under a national ICT policy, spearheaded by a National ICT task force chaired by the Prime Minister, is designed to facilitate good governance, e-commerce, and as well as e-learning or life-long learning. The human resource development focus of the national ICT policy is to develop ICT professionals and engineers to meet the demand for skilled ICT workers that is growing world-wide, especially for the global software and ICT-enabled services market (UN, 2001). Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Ministry of Science and Information and Communications Technology, Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board, Bangladesh Rural Telecom Authority are a few apex bodies that are given the responsibility to formulate policies, national plans and regulate the Internet related issues in the country (Chapagain, 2007; Rahman, 2010).
Table 1. Years of initiation of ICT Policies, Acts and related laws
Note: (*) This table is based on exhaustive literature review and later on revised.
Table 2. E-government Index/ E-government Readiness Index of SAARC Countries
*EGI- E-government Index; #EGRI- E-government Readiness Index (Source: UN)
Updated: 2013.4.19
Contact Sec at InternetHistory.Asia for further information.