APCCIRN/APNG Document List
001 Asia-Pacific CCIRN Overview K. Chon 1992.06.16
002 Terms of Reference for APCCIRN K. Chon 1992.07.08
003 APCCIRN Meeting Minutes (Santa Fe, 1991.11) R. Erskine 1991.11.12
004 APCCIRN Member List Secretariat 1992.12.14
005 APCCIRN Country File Secretariat 1993.03.26
006 Report on APCCIRN Meeting (Japan, 1992.6) K. Chon 1993.08.01
007 APCCIRN Database on International Links Secretariat 1993.08.01
008 Network Description Secretariat 1992.12.23
009 APCCIRN-ALL Mailing List Secretariat 1993.03.31
010 APCCIRN Connectivity Map (PostScript) Secretariat 1993.08.01
011 Agenda for APCCIRN Meeting in Honolulu (1993.1) K. Chon 1992.12.21
012 Internet Routing in a Multi Provider, T. Bates....
Multi Path Open Environment (ASCII & PostScript) 1993.02.08
013 IANA Policy on Top-level Domain Delegation (2nd) J.Postel(IANA) 1992.12.12
014 NAP Manager/Routing Authority and vBNS Provider NSF 1992.12.12
for NSFNET and NREN Program (ps) (txt)
015 Proposal for Global Internet Connectivity IEPG 1992.06.12
016 Circuit Upgrade/Re-homing to Europe S.Goldstein 1992.12.21
017 Academic and Research Networks in AP Region UNESCO-BKK 1992.10
018 IEPG Minute (Washington, D.C., 1992.11) IEPG 1993.02.03
019 Funding/Charging Model (not available yet) PACCOM 1992.12
020 Proposal for APNIC Experiments APCCIRN 1993.01.13
021 APCCIRN Meeting Minutes (Honolulu, 1993.01) Secretariat 1993.02.06
022 APCCIRN's Position Statement on IEPG APCCIRN 1993.01.13
023 APCCIRN Report to Brussels CCIRN (1993.02) K. Chon 1993.02.04
024 Agenda for San Francisco APCCIRN Meeting (1993.8) Secretariat 1993.07.01
025 Minutes of Brussels CCIRN Meeting (1993.2) CCIRN 1993.03.24
026 CIX Member Agreement B.Washburn 1993.03.26
027 Areas of Work for APCCIRN K. Chon 1993.04.06
028 The NREN Program - A Report to the Congress OSTP, USA 1992.12
029 GISS BOF Announcement D.Karrensberg 1993.03.16
030 INET'93 Workshop for Developing Countries G. Sadowsky 1993.02.02
031 Internationalization Issues (at 1993.1 meeting) J. Murai 1993.04.26
032 User Support and Information Services in Europe J. Foster 1993.03
033 IEPG Minute (Amsterdam, 1993.4.26) B. Stockman 1993.04
034 List of Participants to APCCIRN Meeting (1993.8) K. Chon 1993.08.12
035 APCCIRN Meeting Minutes (San Francisco, 1993.8) Secretariat 1993.09.08
036 Agenda for Taipei APCCIRN Meeting (1993.11) K. Chon 1993.11.06
037 List of Participants to APCCIRN Meeting (1993.11) K. Chon 1993.11.06
038 CCIRN Meeting Minutes (San Francisco, 1993.8) Glenn Ricart 1993.10.08
039 Engineering Trans-oceanic 44Mb/s TCP/IP Networks Guy Almes 1993.11.30
040 IEPG Meeting Minutes (San Francisco, 1993.8) G. Huston 1993.08.23
041 APCCIRN Meeting Minutes (Taipei, 1993.12) Secretariat 1993.12.12
042 D-GIX Meeting Minutes (Stockholm 1994.4) B. Stockman 1994.05.16
043 List of Participants to APCCIRN Meeting (1994.6) Secretariat 1994.05.23
044 Internetworking in Asia (fig.ps) K. Chon 1994.05.24
045 Agenda for Prague APCCIRN Meeting (1994.6) K. Chon 1994.06.07
046 Terms of Reference for APNG K. Chon 1994.06.18
047 APCCIRN Meeting Minutes (Prague, 1994.6) Jin Ho Hur 1994.06.20
048 CCIRN Meeting Minutes (Amsterdam, 1994.6) Anne Cozanet 1994.07.06
049 Announcement on Beijing APNG Meeting (1994.11) Secretariat 1994.10.12
050 Document Register (001~050) Secretariat 1994.10.12
051 Announcement on Beijing APNG Seminar (1994.11) H. Ishida 1994.10.12
052 List of Participants to APNG Meeting (1994.11) Secretariat 1994.10.12
053 Agenda for APNG General Meeting K. Chon 1994.10.12
054 Agenda for APNG Commercial WG Meeting B. Coggeshall 1994.10.13
055 Agenda for APNG Developing Countries WG Meeting D. Narayan 1994.10.13
056 Agenda for APNG I18N/L10N WG Meeting M. Ohta 1994.10.13
057 HEPnet-J Status Report Yukio Karita 1994.11.02
058 Final Announcement on APNG Meeting (1994.11) Secretariat 1994.11.04
059 PNC Meeting Announcement (1995.1) PNC 1994.11.14
060 Minutes of the APNG General Meeting (Beijing) Secretariat 1995.01.03
061 Minutes of the APNG Commercial WG Meeting B. Coggeshall 1995.01.12
062 Minutes of the APNG Developing Country WG Meeting D. Narayan 1994.12.12
063 Minutes of the APNG I18N/L10N WG Meeting M. Ohta 1994.12.14
064 Minutes of the APNG Education WG Meeting A. Oka 1994.12.22
065 Recommendations to the APNG Membership Election Comm. 1995.02.01
066 README 1995.03.01
067 INDEX 1995.03.01
068 meeting.calendar Secretariat 1995.03.01
069 tsinghua-map.ps
100 Document Register (051~100) Secretariat 1995.02.01
ho1 Agenda for APNG General Meeting, Honolulu K. Chon 1995.06.30
ho2 Agenda for CCIRN Meeting, Honolulu CCIRN 1995.04.24
ho3 Draft Minutes of APNG General Meeting, Honolulu K. Chon 1995.7.25
ho4 List of Participants to APNG General Meeting, Honolulu APNG Sec 1995.08.11
nicx A Proposal fro APNIC Experiments (APCCIRN-020) J. Murai/M. Hirbaru 1993.1.13
nic1 APNIC Pilot Project Proposal(APNIC-003) J. Murai/D.Conrad 1993.09.01
nic2 APNIC Pilot Project Midterm Status Report (APNIC-006) APNIC Staff 1993.12.10
nicxx APNIC Project Final Report (APNIC-009) V. Gates 1994.7.1
Remark: APCCIRN/APNG documents in 001~069 and100 are archived at archive.org.
Remark 2: ho1~4 and nic1~2 have been added through Asia Internet History Project.
Updated: 2013.5.21
Contact sec at InternetHistory.asia for further information.